Portfolio 3: July Modeling Update

As you may know I took off last month to stay in line with my peers who had to take a math course I tested out of. During that time I visited with family, learned a little bit about substance painter, volumetric lights in Maya, and overall better texturing capabilities that I would have to use in the following month.

My initial motivation was to create a robotic hand entirely until I realized how unrealistic I had set myself forward. Thankfully a friend or two motivated towards assets and side projects I had not fully completed. In this case it was a record player. I immediately began looking up scenes and setups with record players comparing them to what I thought I could achieve. Our first assignment was the block out and I found out I'm not really a block out kind of person. Once I have my proportions I move forward with my models.

Within the first week I had finalized my models and began moving on to basic texturing and lighting. 

While a great deal of students shined through this month it was the students who were lax that made me feel the worst. Individuals that never took critiques and their abilities seriously or attempted to make major changes to their scene for their overall benefit. No matter how many times you detail out critiques as guides to fix your scene some people will simply let time pass. I'm beginning to notice the students who are more than just serious about their future careers, but who live them already mentally, professionally, and it shows in their work consistently. 

Although I was discouraged at the amount of students that begin and the small few that usually graduate from that base. I understand now it's students with the drive that will excel always. 

Here's a brief video explaining my entire process this month for my Portfolio 3 class. 


I've been working towards for the past few months alongside my girlfriend to individually fund a Japan trip this December with multiple other Full Sail students. 


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