3D Animation: An April Update

So it's been an interesting month, with both a relaxing amount of time and stressful understand of how 3D animation works. During this month we practiced with pre-rigged models (obviously considering most students here haven't been taught to rig properly yet). We followed up on the fundamentals that 2DA had showed us; squash, stretch, exaggeration, timing, spacing, and so on. Except interpreting that within 3D is much more difficult in the curve progression system that Maya uses for animation.

Essentially curves represent data of a certain object in tandem with the rig and model. Therefore if I grab the arm rig it will allow me to move/rotate the arm with space. From there I key that data into individual or spaced out frames. What comes out is a curve from one set of numerical data to another within a certain time. Seems easy at first but when you're working with 20+ parts of a rig it can grow intimidating and make anyone impatient with their work. 

So what came out of it? A few walk cycles and a better understanding how to properly animate, even if my goal shies away from animating, having a grasp in what animators do pushes me to model properly to make their job easier. Also understanding what certain animators within your studio can do allows you to pre produce certain ideas for your animators to make their jobs easier. The basic understanding can go farther than I thought at first. Now, it shapes up to more advantageous as a whole.

Regardless of the stresses and doubts this entire class has been beneficial. Allowing me to create a basic walk from 9 keys poses and loop it to my satisfaction. Allowing me to have some fun on the side with some school provided models (duly noted the music is not mine). 


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